Elderberries are a fruit that have been used over the years for their medicinal properties. In the olden days, they were often used by practitioners to help treat cold and flu symptoms.

These berries have been proven time and time again to live up to their medicinal reputation, and have an incredible amount of health benefits that you must know about. Read on to find out more about elderberries and how they can benefit your health, especially your immune system. 

What are Elderberries?

Elderberries, also known as black elderberry, elderberry plant, or Sambucus nigra, are a fruit found in temperate regions of the world, including North America and Europe. It gets the name, “black elderberry”, from their deep purple-black colour. 

They are found in the elder tree during summer and bloom only once annually. They have a flavour that resembles cranberries and is known for their immune system boosting properties.

While there are many different fruits in the Sambucus family, black elderberries are some of the most commonly sought after because they have an exceptionally high concentration of antioxidants.

Elderberries are usually packed with key nutrients like

  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Beta Carotene
  • Folic acid
  • And Vitamin B12.

While each of these nutrients has distinct health advantages, berries stand out for their high antioxidant properties. As a powerful antioxidant, elderberries provide resistance to free radicals in your body - which are unstable molecules that damage cells' DNA by oxidizing their healthy fats into harmful compounds like peroxides. These toxic substances can lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. This is an important reason why elderberry has been used as a common remedy throughout history.

Benefits of Elderberry

Let us understand in detail a few important benefits of elderberry fruit extract. 

Boosts Immune System

The most powerful benefit of Elderberry comes from its work on the body’s immune system.

Reduces Inflammation

The fruit extract may also reduce inflammation, which helps your body significantly. It may help with the inflammation of the digestive tract, arthritis and even eye inflammation. 

Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease
Elderberry fruit extract may also help protect your heart by preventing cholesterol and fatty deposits from being attached to the cells. This helps block cholesterol production, which can lead to heart disease.

Helps Lower Your Blood Glucose (Fights Diabetes)

Elderberry also helps your body manage diabetes by helping lower blood glucose levels. It helps reduce insulin resistance and also slows the breakdown of sugar in your digestive system. Firstly, their antioxidant value is incredibly high, and this helps the body to fight against free radicals and toxic cells that can otherwise occupy your immune system.

In addition to that, elderberries offer both antifungal and antibacterial properties. This means that elderberries don't just clear the way for your body to fight potential infections and disease, they also actively help fight these contagions themselves. 

To reap the health benefits of elderberry and honey nutrition, kindly visit our website for a wide range of products.  At Regina Healthcare, we understand the importance of Elderberry and our Regina Honey Bee Propolis with Elderberry helps provide your body with support for normal immune function, and helps safeguard from cold or flu symptoms.